AMPM2018 Conference Presentations

AMPM2018 Conference Presentations

Test methods for electrical steel strip and sheet -- Part 3: Methods of measurement of the magnetic properties of electrical steel strip and sheet at medium frequencies



This PDF is a compilation of presentations from the fifth annual conference focused on additive manufacturing (AM) with powder metallurgy (PM), featuring 34 technical presentations and 14 technical manuscripts presented by worldwide industry experts.

AMPM2018 was the fifth North American conference specifically organized to address the powder and powder metallurgy aspects of additive manufacturing.

Every AM parts-making process that uses metal powder was represented: laser, e-beam, and inkjet powder-bed processes, blow-powder processes, and even extrusion methods, each linking the process to the metal powder attributes. Application discussions included representative presentations on the adoption of AM by the medical, aerospace, art world, and conventional industrial components.

Additional Info

Author Metal Powder Industries Federation
Published by MPIF
Document type Proceeding
Theme /subgroups/50261
EAN ISBN 9781943694198
Number of pages 900
Keyword AMPM2018 Conference Presentations